Tuesday, January 10, 2012

365 Photo Project - Photo 2

Now I know you might be thinking, "What the heck? Why does it say photo 2 when there were 2 photos posted for photo 1 and now 3 photos posted for photo 2?" Don't worry, let me clarify. Although I love the idea of posting one photo for each day of this 365 Photo Project, my goal is more to post 365 photo projects rather than just 365 individual photos. I'll just label them as photo 123... for ease of reference. Meet Audi. He is Khuno's new cousin. Yes, my SIL and I refer to our dogs as our babies; therefore, they are cousins. He is a corgi husky mix that my brother and SIL rescued from the SPCA. He is just over 4 months and he doesn't bark, loves his crate and can hold his pee. What. The. F$@#.

1 comment:

Cynthia and Van Blog said...

Actually, he does bark now ... Khuno and Chalk taught him how to bark on command. Hopefully it will stay on command lol. He also likes to pee in the house once a week ...