Friday, April 29, 2011

Diet Day 4

I can't believe it's only been 4 days. I have cheated on numerous occasions already and I don't know how Jamie is doing it. I downloaded a calorie counting app just to see how many calories I'm consuming with this no starch/carb business. The app is telling me that if I wanted to lose 4 lbs by June 1, 2011 I'd need to eat 1290 calories a day. Yesterday I ended up eating 2070 calories but I did Bellyfit for an hour so I was only over by 438. Today I only went 325 calories over. Here's a quick breakdown of today. 
178 cal - Leek omelette with 2 eggs 
 10 cal - coffee with So Nice Unsweetened 
Morning Snack
224 cal - Activia Vanilla yogurt with frozen berries and Go Lean Crunch 
 20 cal - Small coffee with 1 cream
244 cal - BBQ'd salmon
206 cal - Homemade minestrone soup
Afternoon Snack
105 cal - Banana
 23 cal - Tomato 
Evening Snack
 20 cal - Medium coffee with 1 cream (I know! Same as a small!)
 60 cal - Lemon dill hummus
  8 cal - Cucumber
 90 cal - Crispy Minis Sour Cream and Onion
305 cal - BBQ Steak (I caved 2 nights in a row... I hate fish)
150 cal - Homemade baked french fries (Jamie knows me)

So overall it wasn't a bad day but boy I'm feeling really cranky without my yummy starches. Even today for my evening snack as I was munching on the hummus (which is cheating already!) and cucumber, I was so dissatisfied with the cucumber that I almost gagged. And I normally like cucumber! 

Yesterday's dinner I tried making cauliflower mash as Penny made it for her first diet dinner. I roasted up 4 heads, yes HEADS of garlic and added it to one steamed cauliflower. Dumped in some soy milk, a touch of salt and Bamixed that sucker. It was NOT TASTY! It plays such a cruel trick on your mind! It looks like mashed potato but tastes like bleh. I told Jamie I'd rather eat just plain steamed cauliflower than this mash of bleh-ness. And Jamie knew I wasn't fairing well with fish so he bought some lean steak which turned out to be leather steak. To recap my dinner, it included mashed bleh, tough leather steak and a cut up tomato. Can you guess what was the best part of the meal? Ding ding! Tomato for the win! 

Jamie is doing way better than I am. That's probably also why he lost 6 lbs already and I lost none. 

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Favor Boxes!

I was poking around Michael's this week and you know how it goes. You wander around just hunting for something to spend your 40% off coupon on. This was no different, except I had more than one thing I wanted needed. Luckily there was also a 25% off your entire purchase coupon so I hunted just a wee bit harder. Wandering down the wedding aisle, I stumbled onto favor boxes. There were all sorts! Square, plastic squares, reusable bamboo squares, pillow boxes etc etc. I wanted to spend very minimally on the containers that would hold our favors because I know people just throw away to packaging. The sale sign said $21.99 and with my extra 25% off coupon, it was a steal of a deal for each pack of 100. That'd work out to $0.16/box! Not too pricey but also not that cheap... I asked Jamie's mom to see if she can pick up cellophane baggies in Vietnam. I was very specific and even gave her a sample of the high quality cellophane I wanted. If she managed to find some at a sweet deal in the right size... Actually by the time I see them, she would have already purchased them and flown back to Canada with them! I may just need to use them because I'm technically stuck with them! Lets just keep our fingers crossed that they are either gorgeous cello bags or she didn't manage to find any. 

The wedding is really starting to stress me out. I've had 3 wedding nightmares so far and they were all the same theme. C.H.A.O.S. I can't wait till this wedding business is done!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Jamie's 17 Day Diet Adventure Begins...

We normally have a lot of veggies in our fridge anyways but boy, this is really pushing it! Jamie and Penny have decided to start on a new diet adventure. It's called the 17 Day Diet. The concept is relatively simple. For 17 days, you're supposed to reset your metabolism by eating:
1. Vegetables
2. 2 servings of fruit (orange, grapefruit, apples, pears) before 2:00 PM. 
3. Eating lean meats (chicken breasts, fish, turkey)
4. No grains or grain products. 

On top of all that, you must drink 2L of water a day and exercise 17 minutes. I tried to be supportive and join Jamie on this adventure because lets face it folks, if Jamie didn't cook for me, I'd be eating instant noodles all day. I haven't been a very good motivator though. We eat dinner at our parents' house every Monday/Tuesday. We can't control what is cooked for us. Yesterday I had asked my mom to cut extra lettuce because of Jamie's diet. Every time my mom offered Jamie something to eat, I had to reject on behalf of him. My mom could only shake her head. 

Today we went to Jamie's parents and his sister had cooked Shanghai noodles... Good thing she made a salad on the side!! I ate the delicious carb-ful noodles and he ate the salad. Gotta take one for the team right? 

If you go back to the top fridge photo, you'll see the lovely containers of soup that we'll be eating for the next two days. Minestrone. 

To recap dinners: 
Day 1: Lemon grass chicken salad Vietnamese style. 
Day 2: Grilled shallots and chicken nappa cabbage salad, once again, Vietnamese style.  

Monday, April 18, 2011

Bridesmaids Dresses Ordered!!!

I've been MIA the last few weeks and it's been a combination of stuff. Wedding mostly. Just over 5 months to go and the stress is starting to set in. All the little details need planning now and it's overwhelming. I just need to breathe, focus and do. Stop stressing and just do it. 

Today we met with some music players for the ceremony and loved them. That's another thing to check off as done! This weekend I also made Liz and Linda try on the bridesmaids dresses again before I ordered. Check and check. Still working on invitations and I'll need to contact the marriage commissioner this week sometime to meet up. Oh weddings... 

Monday, April 4, 2011

Plants Update!

These pictures are long overdue! I took these a couple weeks ago of my little potted plants. You can actually see the little cilantro petals forming! Today I even ripped some off to throw in a stir-fry! To see the plants from before, see this post. The thai basil is definitely a slow growing plant!