July also marked a year since starting a new management job. I survived a year in my not-so-new job and that in itself is a big reason to celebrate!
Fast forward to November and I did the unthinkable! I bought a new car and sold my 1991 Honda Accord. That Honda served my parents, then my brother and lastly, me oh so well. If definitely cost us over the years but I had the joy of having my own car at the age of 16! The freedom was priceless! I drove that car for 14 years! To think that it only sold for $500 makes me almost feel like I just threw it to the curb. As +Van Tran and I drove away, I couldn't help but cry tears of sadness as we left behind my baby. Hopefully it serves the buyer as well as it has served me. Almost forgot to tell you what I replaced the Honda with! I got myself a 2014 red Subaru Forester. It's been lovely to have heated seats.
Mid November +Jamie Khau and I went on our 2nd "honeymoon" to Hong Kong, Thailand and Korea. It was fabulous to get away for 2 weeks to explore 2 countries we have never visited before. The awesome part was that we were able to meet up with +Marilyn Song and +Carmen Mah in Seoul! How cool is that?!?
December creeps up as usual and we got an early Christmas present: a baby Khau! It's been such an amazing pregnancy so far and I have nothing to complain about. Minimal nausea, fatigue that's no different than my normal laziness fatigue, no weird cravings and almost no food aversions. I get nauseous all. the. time. So imagine my surprise when I discovered that I was pregnant and one of the lucky ones that could eat whatever and not hug the toilet after! Hopefully the rest of the pregnancy goes just as smoothly. I'm due August 22, 2014. Only 186 more days left to go!